Ecosystems - Living Machine
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        Fish tank
        Plant tank
        Aerobic tank
        The pump

The Fish Tanks

The fish tanks are a series of 3 five-gallon water tanks connected by PVC piping. The piping allows free access between the tanks so the fish swim through out them. Inside of the fish tanks are many types of organisims which include: fish, aquatic plants, snails, allege and bacteria. The Fish supply the water with nitrogen in the form of ammonia, (NH3). For a further explanation of the nitrogen's importance and conversions, see the Anaerobic bacteria tank. The fish live off of the two types of plants that live in the tank, they are Duckweed and Elodea. These two plants provide the fish with the proper nutrients necessary for them to live. They also help to oxygenate the water, which the fish need since they can't breath it out of the air.

The water is pumped up and then slowly drops in to the top of the tanks, which allow further oxygenation. The tube that connects the fish tank with the next tank is "activated" when the water level is raised high enough form the pump. Once it is raised, the water trickles down the tubing and into the 2nd tank untill the pump is turned off.