Enviromental ScienceHi, You've happend to stumble upon our little site here! This site is to present our project that the 10th grade did at our school. The task that was given to us was to make a self-sustainable system, A living machine of sorts, which would house multiple organisms that'd coexist. After a couple of weeks of research, and a few more weeks getting the stuff together, our class produced a very quaint "living machine" that we placed in the corner of the class. Living machines could be very usefull in todays world. As seen this article about commercial living machines, you find that it is quite easy to make a very usefull and functional machine that processes "waste". Some major business and colleges are using them to process human waste. The human waste become the first stage in the process of the Living machine, and in the end comes out a very usefull product that can be much more easily managed. Even nasa is looking into things like this, what better way to feed an astronaught then with his own fecies (of course it'd be put through a living machine, and made to a more edible form). We as a class decided to make the living machine in a sort of chamber fashion, with a few different areas acting toward many different responsibilities. One area housed the fish, another was a microorginism tank, and the last was a plant area, which were the primary producers in our system. We also have a solar pump in the works, but at the time of writing this, it isn't complete. It was a rather challenging project, because we actually had to make something that worked. It wasn't a simple diagram or shadow box, but a fully functional machine. I hope that our design inspires some other schools into a project like this, it really encompasses a total biological idea. |